Friday, March 25, 2011

Racially-Derogatory Obama Pics Found on U. Kentucky Campus

University of Kentucky reports racist Obama signs

by Dr. Boyce Watkins, Your Black World 

It turns out that pictures were found on the University of Kentucky campus with derogatory language aimed at President Barack Obama.  Police are investigating the incident, and a professor said he found one of the pictures hanging in the College of Law of all places.  If the police find out who put out the signs, they could be charged with third-degree criminal mischief.

As an alum of The University of Kentucky, the incident doesn’t surprise me.  When I was a student there in the 1990s, there were a multitude of racially-charged incidents.  In fact, I feared for my life with all the death threats I would receive after writing articles in the campus newspaper (someone even warned me that they spoke heavily of me at a local klan rally).  The school’s racial hostility was a great training ground for years later, when I would get death threats from Fox News viewers after sparring with Sean Hannity on television.

Click to read.

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